First of all let me start by saying confidence isn't something your really born with, it's something that can get built overtime, if you have the interest and you have the will, then you can build your confidence, So let's begin.

The no 1 thing i realize that keeps you or anyone from getting the confidence to do that thing you need to do is waiting too long and once you wait to long you start to overthink and your brain start releasing chemical that cloud your judgement ok i may have made that up but still, doesn't mean I'm wrong, the moment you identify that thing you need to do, NEVER WAIT TO DO IT, because the more you wait the less likely your actually going to do it and i want you to remember that fear is a natural human emotion so be expecting to have it and welcome it when it comes with open hands or heart or whatever floats your bubble, the point is even the biggest guy in the room has fears the trick is conquering your fear by not letting it stop you from doing what you want to do.

So my no 1 rule for building your confidence is NEVER WAIT, fear is natural be expecting to have it whenever your doing something that requires confidence, but if you wait too long after having fear to do something the fear could become amplified(that means increased).

So you need to use a little something called the 5 second rule, as soon as you see something you wanna do or someone you wanna talk to count 5 seconds then go do it or talk to them, DO NOT WAIT, the moment you see that thing you need to do that require confidence, count 5 seconds then immediately go do it, if you decide to wait till later you will realize that when later comes you won't have the courage to do it, so the moment you realize that thing you want to do that requires confidence just count 5 seconds and go do it,
So keep using the 5 second rule until you don't need it anymore and you can do things that required you to need confidence before but now you can do it without thinking twice.
So there you have it, use the 5 second rule to build your confidence and i hope to see you on my next post😘...
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