Ok, Listen I'm not going to tell you to just man up and do it, that hot girls are human just like you, well that won't help much because i remember no matter how much i heard or read articles about how hot girls are human just like me i was still having trouble approaching them, but really though you should just man up and do it the truth is that most guys can hardly approach an attractive girl, and so couldn't i so i started something i called the confidence building exercise and it actually took me a while before i could i actually approach a girl probably because of my shy nature but if you have the will and the interest you will be able to do it, you just have to try and try again and keep trying till you can approach anyone without a second thought.
So during this confidence building exercises everytime i go out during the day i always try to approach a hot girl and if i can't do that i at least try to get her attention or talk to her casually.
Now I realize that the thing that keeps guys from being able to approach a girl is waiting to long, so the moment you see that hot girl that your interested in, just go over there and talk to her, DO NOT WAIT AT ALL, because if you do then you'll discourage yourself from approaching her and that's the mistake some guys make believing that no problem they can still talk to her later, then you'll be surprised when later comes they won't have the courage to approach her, so just seconds after seeing her go to her, DON'T WAIT, you can ask her like a casual question or pretend you need directions to start the conversation but definitely DO NOT WAIT.
So seconds after seeing that hot girl your attracted to just go to her and DON'T WAIT, you can use the 5 second rule, that is as soon as you see that girl your interested in just count to 5 then go over there and talk to her, always obey and use the 5 second rule this could help you build the confidence you need to approach any hot girl you see until you don't need it anymore and you can approach anyone without a second thought.
So use the 5 second rule approach the girl of your dreams and i hope to see you on my next post๐๐...
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