Now, Let's talk about two of my favourite super hero films, Arrow and The Flash, in case you didn't know Arrow is a film in which the actor gets stucked on an island where he learnt how to fight, survive and apparently/coincidently how to save his city🙄, while The Flash is a series where the actor get's struck by lightning and becomes a speedster, so what else is there to do with super speed besides save his city🙄, so now what I believe is Arrow is more mature and interesting than The Flash, yes!!, that's what I just said or wrote.
Barry was a jolly good fellow, when he had no speed, he became The Flash and was still a Jolly good fellow, Oliver knows how serious this saving business is and that's something Barry didn't know from the beginning, the inexcapable truth is that anyone with super speed can be The Flash, Iris became a superhero when Barry's speed was transferred to her.
Arrow is a show that is so unpredictable that even the main characters could die at any point, main characters like Tommy Merlyn, Moira Queen, Quentin Lance.
In The Flash, the same characters that started the film are the same characters still shooting it, i'm not saying that if any of the characters die it will make The Flash more interesting, what I'm saying is that knowing that anything can happen at any time makes the film more intense and more believable, because in The Flash we all already know what is going to happen, Barry is always going to find some way to defeat The bad guy and Team Flash will still be complete, yes Barry has had people losses no different from Oliver, like his mum who The Reverse Flash killed and his Dad, but none of those losses were main characters in which the fans never saw coming.
Doctor wells(Reverse Flash) died but apparently his not really dead for some scientific reason I don't know or want to know how to explain and other good Doctor Wells from other universes came to replace the evil Doctor Wells in Barry Universe🤔, So what i'm trying to say is that the same people that started the series are the same people in it now, yes, the film does have action no one denies that, but, it doesn't really have that intensity of anything can happen, sometimes what the fans really need is for one of the main characters to die because it may be heartbreaking but it may also give the show a new twist and make it more interesting, cause let's face it Arrow is more interesting than The Flash because you never know what could happen in Arrow it's has the kind of action and intensity that one wants in a super hero film, i just feel like Arrow is a more serious show and is the example of what a real life hero could be like, cause the reality of the situation is that Superheroes don't always win so if Oliver loses someone close to him or Arrow loses any of their main character, I understand it's to make the film more believable, but Barry always wins and The Flash never loses any of their main character, cause even though Arrow is a serious film, it's still pretty funny, so all I'm saying is that The Flash needs a bit of intensity that films such as Game of thrones has, so hope it gets that, waiting patiently for the next season😣.
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